Everyone is Made To Move

Mountain Skills Course Useful Links Before You Attend

Navigating in Wales
Enjoying The View

Map, Compass, Meeting Time & Place, Equipment, Weather

Once you have booked one of my mountain skills or navigation courses please review the information below. You will find helpful information about equipment, map and compass used, meeting time and place and lots of other useful hints and tips. Before attending a course please consider visiting my Resources page. You will find content on The National Grid, taking a Grid Reference and other topics relevant to the course.
‘Mountain Skills’ courses are two (2) days long. Other Navigation courses may vary in length. All my courses are about learning to navigate, they are not about going on monster hikes, no special fitness ability is required. No camping is required.

Start & Finish Time

  • Mountain Skills 1 (MS1) Day one: 9.30am – 5.30pm approximately
  • Mountain Skills 1 (MS1) Day two: 9.30am – 5.30pm approximately
  • Mountain Skills 2 (MS2) Day one: May start later as we stay out late for a night navigation. Depending on time of year we may start at 10.00am /12.00pm and finish at 5.30pm/10.00pm approximately
  • Mountain Skills 2 (MS2)  Day two: 9.30am – 5.30pm approximately
  • Other Navigation Courses. 9.30am – 5.30pm approximately

Possible Meeting Locations Wicklow

Possible Meeting Locations Comeraghs

Possible Meeting Locations Galtee Mountains


I can supply a map for each participant. If you want to buy your own I recommend a waterproof, laminated, encapuslated or lam fold map, they are much more hardwearing. ‘Waterproof paper’ maps usually don’t wear very well.


I can supply a compass for each participant. If you want to buy your own I recommend the Silva Expedition 4. Please ensure you get one with ‘degrees’, 360˚not one marked with ‘Mills’

Map & Compass Local supplier is based in Laragh.

Hiking Equipment List, Winter & Summer

This list is not exhaustive. Please consider bringing all equipment that you think might be useful. You can always leave it in the car and not bring it on the hike. Please check road conditions before you travel and remember you will be driving home probably after dark. You will be tired and conditions my be difficult. I usually have spare clothes in my car, a flask of tea or coffee and some food, that just sets me up for the drive home.
  • Please don’t wear cotton t-shirts or pants, they don’t dry quickly and will allow you to get colder quicker
  • Consider a synthetic or merino base layer, you can get different weight layers that keep you warm in winter and cool in summer
  • Thermal layers for your legs
  • Gloves, mitts, fingerless gloves, wrist gaiters (I love these)
  • Hats, buffs, balaclavas
  • Extra fleece tops
  • Spare heavy down or synthetic jacket
  • Outer waterproof shell jacket and leggings
  • Boots. I prefer leather for Irish conditions. Make sure the sole is in good condition
  • Gaiters that cover your boots are great to have
  • Liner socks and hiking socks should be considered, less blisters and the liner socks can be changed if you need to
  • Lip Balm, winter/summer wind can give you wind burn
  • Sun block, winter/summer always a good idea
  • Food, whatever you need. I’d suggest snacks of some sort that you can eat on the go and something more substantial like sandwiches for when we stop.
  • Drinks: winter. If you use a hydration bladder the water in the hose may freeze during the day. I’d suggest hot water with fruit juice in a flask or container, you can wrap it in a spare jacket to help keep it warm. You might put the container in a dry bag or big ziplock just in case it leaks.
  • Drinks: summer. Lots of water before you start the hike, lots more during the hike and lots when you get home. it will help you recover for the following day and prevent cramp. Unless you use a filtration system its best not to drink water directly from streams etc.
  • Consider that we burn more calories in the cold
  • A small rucksack to carry your personal equipment
  • A head torch, essential if we plan to do a night navigation, good to have in your bag regardless
  • Bring your personal medicine if you need it
  • Walking poles if you use them
  • If we need crampons and ice axes we won’t be going 😁
  • This list is not exhaustive


Please check the weather before you attend a course. This is an important habit to get into. The course schedule and location may change due to weather considerations.

Read more about the ‘Mountain Skills Scheme’ on the Mountaineering Ireland web site

Clubs and Individuals can apply for a Mountaineering Ireland training grant. Read more on my ‘Club Training & Grant‘ page.