Everyone is Made To Move

Mountaineering Ireland Mountain Skills Scheme

Navigating in Wales
Enjoying The View

Mountaineering Ireland Mountain Skills Scheme

Official Mountaineering Ireland Mountain Skills Course

Choose a Mountaineering Ireland (MI) Mountain Skills Navigation Course from the “Mountain Skills Scheme”.  Mountaineering Ireland Mountain Skills 1 (MS1) and Mountain Skills 2 (MS2) courses run over two days and follow a set syllabus. MS1 & MS2 ‘provide the theoretical and practical knowledge in the fundamental skills of
navigation and hillwalking that are required to become a self-sufficient hillwalker
within the upland regions of Ireland & the UK’. There is a one off registration fee with Mountaineering Ireland. MS1 introduces the fundamental navigation skills required for personal proficiency, MS2 introduces more challenging navigation concepts such as bearings and poor visibility / night navigation. The courses are structured to provide a progressive pathway for your skills to develop. I can schedule a course for you and your group any day of the week.

‘Mountain Skills 1’ is ideal for beginners or novices who want to learn the fundamentals of navigation. Read More below

‘Mountain Skills 2’  will suit someone who has attended MS1 and completed a number of hikes after training. Compass, bearings and poor visibility/night navigation are covered. Read More below

Read more about the ‘Mountain Skills Scheme’ on the Mountaineering Ireland web site

Clubs and Individuals can apply for a Mountaineering Ireland training grant. Read more on my ‘Club Training & Grant‘ page.

Looking at a map of Wicklow
Looking at a map of Wicklow

Mountain Skills 1 (MS1)

Official Mountaineering Ireland Mountain Skills Course

This two day Mountain Skills 1  (MS1) Course provides a general introduction to hillwalking in Ireland and the basics of mountain navigation. Mountain safety, navigation techniques, and mountain hazards are part of the syllabus. Fundamental skills and techniques are covered. I emphasize enjoying your time outdoors and getting as much time outside as possible. There is no camping or night navigation required on this course.

Mountain Skills 1 covers some of the content below
  • Maps
  • Mountain hazards
  • Map contours
  • Equipment
  • Pacing
  • Land access
  • Timing
  • Route planning
  • Grid references
  • Emergency procedures
MI Requirements

Register with MI for the scheme first. Registration is free for under 18s and €22 for adults. The one off fee covers all of the Mountain Skills Scheme. Register for the Mountain Skills Scheme on the MI website

Course Cost with Provider
  • €140.00 per person
  • Duration, 2 Days
  • Min 1, Max 6,  Max Ratio 1:6
  • Minimum contact time, 18 hours
  • Minimum age, 14

Clubs and Individuals can apply for a Mountaineering Ireland training grant. Read more on my ‘Club Training & Grants‘ 

Read more about the ‘Mountain Skills Scheme’ on the Mountaineering Ireland web site

The Next Step: MI Mountain Skills 2 (MS2) Read More below.

Night Navigation
Night Navigation

Mountain Skills 2 (MS2)

Official Mountaineering Ireland Mountain Skills Course

This two day Mountain Skills 2 (MS2) Course builds on the experience and skills learned on MS1. Using a compass, taking and walking on a bearing and a poor visibility/night navigation are included in the syllabus. Participants get the opportunity to work as a team and as individuals to lead navigation legs. Mountain features and contours are covered in more detail. The skills required to plan  and choose an appropriate route are taught including  steep ground and general hazard avoidance. There is a poor visibility/night navigation section to this course. There is no camping required on this course.

Mountain Skills 2 covers some of the content below
  • Setting the map
  • Taking a bearing
  • Planning a route
  • Poor Weather
  • Steep Ground
  • Walking on a bearing
  • Navigation techniques
  • Emergency procedures
  • Contouring
  • Avoiding injuries
MI Requirements

Register with MI for the scheme first. Registration is free for under 18s and €22 for adults. The one off fee covers all of the Mountain Skills Scheme.
Register for the Mountain Skills Scheme on the MI website

Course Cost with Provider
  • €150.00 per person
  • Duration, 2 Days
  • Min 1, Max 6,  Max Ratio 1:6
  • Minimum contact time, 18 hours
  • Minimum age, 14

Clubs and Individuals can apply for a Mountaineering Ireland training grant. Read more on my ‘Club Training & Grant‘ page.

Read more about the ‘Mountain Skills Scheme’ on the Mountaineering Ireland web site

Consider Rock Climbing: MI ‘Rock Skills Scheme’