Everyone is Made To Move

Mountain Skills Scheme
Official Mountaineering Ireland Courses
Navigation For You
Novice & Experienced Hikers
Club Training & Grants
Climbing, Navigation & Grants

Navigation Courses

Why Do A Navigation Course

If you are a novice, experienced hiker or club member you are sure to have wondered ‘where am I now’. If you take one of my navigation courses you will learn how to answer that question. We will start with the fundamental skills of observation, planning and map reading. You will also learn how to choose the right route to suit your skills and the conditions. Because the courses I offer are designed for you skill and confidence levels will rise and you will be happy to explore off the beaten path to see what lies over the next hill. It’s great to have the confidence to plan a day out for your friends, family or club members. Get in touch with me to discuss the various courses that I offer.

Navigation Courses

I provide Mountaineering Ireland Mountainskills and navigation courses I design for you. The Mountainskills 1 and Mountainskills 2 navigation courses suit the novice or more experienced walker that want to improve their navigation skills. Mountaineering Ireland courses follow a set syllabus and are delivered over two days and are structured to provide a progressive pathway for your skills to develop. Read more about my Mountaineering Ireland Mountainskills Courses here. The ‘Navigation For You’ courses I design are more specific to your personal or group needs. These courses are more flexible in how they are delivered depending on your personal development and time. I can deliver a one day course based in any hill or mountain terrain that suits the objectives of the course. ‘Navigation For You’ courses concentrate on skills that you want to refresh or develop. Read more about my Navigation For You Courses here. My ‘Club Training Courses’ are designed to meet your hiking or walking club’s needs. I can provide Mountainskills courses or courses I design for you which are one or two days. These days usually involve a small group who have hiked  together before. The aim of the course is usually to encourage leadership skills and give people confidence to lead hikes. Read more about. Club Training and Grant

Find out more about my Navigation For You Courses.

Read more about. Club Training & Grants