Everyone is Made To Move

Club Training & Grants

By their very nature clubs have a broad range of experience amongst their members. Usually it falls to a small group to lead hikes or organise climbing days. To share responsibility and up-skill club members it may be necessary to take some formal training. Training courses teach skills, give confidence and help build a healthy dynamic in the club.

"I've done an MS1 course, but I still won't navigate......" "I'm never really sure if I'm setting my anchors up right"

Keeping things simple and a small amount of structured practise will pay dividends for you and your club.

Crows Hillwalking Club
After walking along a known contour and then crossing an obvious path it wasn't difficult to relocate.
Navan Trekkers
Really good micro navigation by the end of the day
Tyndall Mountain Club
Tough Conditions at the start of the day. We did lots of micro nav along the path, paying lots of attention to every tiny detail
Crows Hillwalking Club
Part of the day has to be spent listening to me, but as the day goes on I say less and less! 😁
Navan Trekkers
Heading towards some tiny stream tributaries. Lots of fun deciding which was which.
Tyndall Mountain Club
Challenging conditions at Mahon Falls but all smiles. We didn't need to go far to practise.
Crows Hillwalking Club
Being able to walk around a hillside on a given contour is a useful skill, particularly when it comes to relocation.
Navan Trekkers
Some great navigation from these three. Lots of confidence gained during the day.
Tyndall Mountain Club
Lots of smiles emerged once the sun emerged, the navigation became easier and easier
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Mountaineering Ireland Club Leadership Program

Training Courses For Your Club

My club navigation days concentrate on developing the skills within the group. Sharing that skill set and then developing it further. Everyone feels that they are part of the process….ands we have a laugh doing it. 

Climbing training is no different, reminding people of the fundamentals and equipping club members with the skills and tools to share their talents and experiences is all part of what the day is about. All of the courses I provide can be delivered for clubs. All the courses can be adapted to suit your specific training needs.

Training Grants For Your Club.

There are two grant options

Club Training Grant:
To support clubs whose members are doing recognised Mountaineering Ireland training courses such as Mountain Skills & Rock Skills. Individual club members can avail of this scheme.

Club Mentor Scheme: Encourages clubs to take training from a suitably qualified trainer who will run a course that is specific to your group’s needs.

MI Requirements

Read more about applying for a club grant on the Mountaineering Ireland Website.