Everyone is Made To Move

About Made To Move

Insurance: As a Rock Climbing Development Instructor and Mountain Leader in Ireland I’m fully insured for all the courses I offer

First Aid: Remote Emergency Care 3 (REC3)

Qualifications: ML, RCDI, MP, Trainee MCI

  • Mountain Leader (ML): I can lead you hiking in the Irish & UK mountains in summertime conditions
  • Rock Climbing Development Instructor (RCDI): I can teach you lead climbing indoor and outdoors, sports and trad. The award allows me to judge if you have the skill set to begin lead climbing and provide a safe and progressive way of starting to lead.
  • Multipitch Award (MP): I can bring you Multipitch climbing on a limited remit in Ireland
  • Trainee Mountaineering & Climbing Instructor (Trainee MCI)

I’m a Mountaineering Ireland approved provider of the Mountain Skills Scheme and the Rock Skills Scheme. To become an MI provider I completed extra training and attended a Sports Ireland Child Welfare & Protection Workshop

About Me: I am a Rock Climbing Development Instructor and Mountain Leader in Ireland

I have been rock climbing and hiking since 2008. Since that time I have continued my training and assessments in both hiking and climbing. I’m a member of a number of clubs and enjoyed informally training new members so I decided to get formal qualifications to allow me to be better at what I do. I now work as a qualified Rock Climbing Development Instructor and Mountain Leader in Ireland. I am also a trainee Mountaineering and Climbing Instructor.

I love climbing and the challenges and partnerships that come with the sport. My favourite hikes are those in ‘soft’ Irish weather, when the views appear like a miracle

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